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Fax Listing

Please notify any changes to this information to the switchboard (dial 9).

When sending a fax from the University there is no requirement to dial 0 before the fax number required.

When sending internal faxes, you must dial the full number and not the extension number.

External callers wishing to contact the switchboard should dial (07) 4781 4111 for Townsville, and (07) 4042 1111 for Cairns

JCU Brisbane

Extension Campus Location
30017899 BNE

JCU Health

Extension Campus Location
(07) 47792739 TSV 500 - Clinical Practice Building , 101

James Cook University Central Queensland Centre for Rural and Remote Health

Extension Campus Location
47495130 ISA
47492088 ISA

John Flynn College

Extension Campus Location
(07) 47752330 TSV